
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, do not hinder them: for to such belongs the children of God”
The Catholic Church in responding to Our Lord’s teaching welcomes all children into the community of faith, through the Sacrament of Baptism.
Those words of Jesus also place certain responsibilities upon the parents and Godparents who ask that their children be welcomed into the Church through Baptism.
The first step in arranging a Baptism is to speak with Father Glover to arrange an appointment to meet with him to discuss those responsibilities and whether you are willing to respond to God’s call to you in seeking Baptism for your child.
If the person seeking Baptism is aged 14 years or over they are of an age where they can take responsibility for themselves.
In this case God is calling them to full membership of the Catholic Church through Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion.
The first step is to arrange an appointment with Fr. Glover to discuss this.
Whether it is a request for Baptism of a child or someone over 14 years of age there will be a time of discovery, instruction and discernment, prior to the Sacraments being administered.

Couples need to give a minimum of six months notice when booking a wedding. This is because we must collect evidence of freedom to marry (confirmation that neither is already married).
The first step in arranging a wedding is to speak with Father Glover to arrange an appointment for both of you to meet with him.
At this initial meeting you will be taken through the first part of the pre-nuptial enquiry. This is a process of gathering information about the two of you, details of your residence and of baptism and confirmation.
It will be helpful in you can say where and when you were baptised.
You are required to attend a marriage preparation course. The dates and venues will be given to you.
You will be guided by Father Glover on all that needs to be done to ensure that your marriage is recognised under Canon and State Law.
If one of you isn’t Catholic this will not make any difference to your arranging your marriage.

The Christian who dies in Christ Jesus goes “away from the body to be at home with the Lord”
(2 Corinthians 5:8).
The Christian who dies in Christ reaches at the end of his earthly existence the fulfilment of that new life which was begun in Baptism, strengthened in Confirmation, and nourished in the Eucharist.
When a loved one dies the first step is to see the funeral director of your choice. Please ask him/her to speak with Father Glover prior to making any arrangements. Father Glover will then contact you and arrange to meet with you.
What are the main moments in funerals?
Funeral rites consist of four principal parts: welcoming the body of the deceased by the community of faith with words of comfort and hope, the liturgy of the Word, the Eucharistic sacrifice, and the farewell in which the soul of the departed is entrusted to God, the Source of eternal life, while the mortal remains are buried or cremated in the Christian hope of the Resurrection